Chapter 6 - How to Keep Track of Your Submissions

Chapter 6 - How to Keep Track of Your Submissions

How to Track Your Submissions in Splitle and Communicate with the Account Managers

In the last few chapters, we have covered how to set up your profile, add candidates and make submissions. In this step by step guide, let's take a quick look at how you can keep track of all the submissions you have made and connect with Account Managers using the Communications Tab in the dashboard.

Learn by watching this quick video or read the instructions given below:

1. Accessing the Submissions Section:

To track your submissions, navigate to the Submissions section on the left side of your screen.

2. Overview of Submissions:

Here, you'll find an overview of your submissions, including the total number of jobs you're currently working on, total submissions made, scheduled interviews, and any offers made.

3. Pipeline and Candidate Status:

Scroll down to view the pipeline, which shows the status of candidates in the hiring process.

4. Communicating with Account Manager:

If you have any questions about a specific submission or candidate, you can directly ask your account manager by clicking on "Have a Question."

5. Tracking Communications:

To keep track of your communications with the account manager, head to the Communications tab.

There you go recruiters! Wasn't this very quick and easy? By following these steps, you can easily track your submissions and stay informed about the status of your candidates in the hiring process. 

You have already made such good progress so "Clap!" "Clap!" 

In the next chapter we will dive into more details about how refer and earn works with Splitle and not only you, but how your friend can earn great rewards! See you in the next chapter!
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